Shame, SHAME on me for neglecting my sweet Little Lady's blog. And with so much going on no less!
Anyways, in my last real update, Little Lady had finally gotten approval to begin therapy with CCS . She has been receiving Occupational Therapy (which focus's on ADL's, or Activities of Daily Living. Such as feeding, getting dressed, brushing teeth, etc.) and also Physical Therapy (which focus's more on gross motor skills and strength, endurance, etc. Such as sitting, walking, crawling, standing.) OT and PT overlap each other in some area's.
The therapy services Little Lady has been provided have been an invaluable asset to her development. She is growing, getting stronger, and improving EVERY DAY! She has come so far in the last 6 months.
(As much of a hassle as it is going to therapy so often, I try to always remember how much worse it felt when she wasn't getting any help at all.)
Now, she's doing this:
And this:
And This:
And even starting to do THIS!!!!!:
So I guess... Therapy isn't as bad as this: