Wednesday, November 17, 2010


OK, I know this is Little Lady's story... but it's being told from MY perspective, so I guess it's my story too.
Anyways, why is it that every time Little Lady has an Orthopedic appt. I get knots in my stomach? I get so nervous and on edge. I wish that I had a Dr for her that was so great, that I felt totally at ease taking her in each time. Maybe soon. HOPEFULLY soon.
Today she goes in to see her lame Ortho (who I have very minimal faith in). Before she see's Dr, she's getting X-ray's. On one hand, I'm relieved about this because I was sure that I was going to have to ask for them myself. Also, I'm curious about what they might see. On the other hand... I'm super nervous that they are going to tell me that Little Lady still has hip dysplasia. Also, I'm still not seeing too much more improvement in her knees (since about 6 weeks old. She's 4 months now) and I'm doubting the Ortho will do casting. AND today I have to tell this Dr that I believe Little Lady has a problem with her arms or shoulders. And of course, I have a feeling this Dr will disregard what I say, or dismiss it as nothing. Because she's the Dr. and I'm not. After all, I didn't go to medical school. (this is the attitude she puts off). However... I do spend 24 hours a day with her, while this Dr see's her once a month for 15 minutes.
We'll see... Hope for the best.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Little Lady Goes to the Big City and other updates....

Since my last update, Little Lady has had two OT appts. They have gone well, and I have learned a few new stretching techniques to do with her at home. She is making (slow) progress with her Torticollis. She has really tight shoulder muscles too, so that's not helping our tummy time. She wont push up with her arms, no matter how often I put her down on her tummy. I keep giving her lots of tummy time, because even though she's not doing much in the way of lifting her head and using her arms, at least it takes some pressure off of that soft little head of hers. I'd sure like to avoid a helmet later on if I can help it!
We are continuing with the Chiropractic care as well. I'm hoping that will help expedite the process of healing the Torticollis, as well as helping with her GERD.
And also, Little Lady went to the Big City for our 2nd opinion appt.
The facility we went to was GIGANTIC! We had a very nice Dr. While he didn't tell us much different than we already have been told, he actually took the time to answer questions without making me feel as if I were being rushed out the door. He did say that it was ok for us to completely eliminate the Pavlik Harness (YAY!!!) as it was doing nothing for her knees. If her hips are fine (according to Radiologist, they are) then there is not need to keep her in it at all. He did not feel the need to do serial casting on her knees though. I think I'm going to have a hard time finding a Dr. that will do this. But I'm just NOT seeing any improvement in her knees anymore. They got looser from birth to about 6 weeks. And since then, they just seem the same. The Dr. did note that she has Metatarsus Adductus in her right foot though. I guess it's not a big deal. It is NOT clubfoot. It is my understanding, that it often resolves itself with no treatment.
So, anyways, that's the recap, for now. Basically, still at a standstill. It's so frustrating sometimes.
Next week, Little Lady goes back for another OT appt. on Monday. The following week, she has another Orthopedics appt. I don't have high expectations for that one...

Where have I beeen?

Okay, time for Updates! Life just keeps happening and my poor baby girl's blog has been neglected :(